On this day in 1998, The Undertaker hurled Mankind off Hell in a Cell in one of the most dangerous yet iconic moments in WWE's history.
Mankind, one of multiple characters portrayed by Mick Foley, locked horns with the legendary Undertaker inside Hell in a Cell at King of the Ring 1998.
The pair started the match on top of the structure and in next to no time, Foley was sent crashing through the air and into the Spanish announce table, resulting in commentator Jim Ross absolutely losing his mind.
Having seen a man take a devastating drop from around 16 feet, 'JR' screamed, "Good God almighty! Good God almighty! That killed him! As God as my witness, he is broken in half!"
Foley looked done and dusted after the death-defying stunt but with a love for living dangerously, he wanted to continue.
He promptly got off the stretcher and went back on top of the cell.
Undertaker was waiting for him and dished out more punishment. The Phenom chokeslammed his opponent on top of the cell and a panel gave way - sending him crashing through onto the canvas, in another horrendous landing.
Somehow, he found it within himself to finish the match - which ended with Foley taking a tombstone piledriver.
In his book, the three-time WWE champion said that after the match, Vince McMahon made him promise to "never do anything like that again."

His injuries included: missing teeth, multiple stitches below his lip, a dislocated jaw, a concussion, a bruised kidney and a dislocated shoulder.
"The cell collapsing when I was chokeslammed still has fallout for me!" Foley said, recalling his most memorable moment years later.
"I just paid $425 to remove my bottom flipper - which are false teeth, which were knocked out in that cell and I'll have to pay $15,000 or so to get those teeth fixed.
"I don't have any regrets. I have some small regrets about things I did later in my career. But no, I don't regret starting that match on top of the cell."
Topics: The Undertaker, WWE, Wrestling