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Turns out an incredible natural pre-workout is probably sitting in your pantry right now

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Turns out an incredible natural pre-workout is probably sitting in your pantry right now

It’s not just for delicious meals.

Everyone has a few go-to pantry staples they swear by. Those ingredients you’ve sworn by because your family swore by it, and they’ve followed you into adulthood. But, what if one of these staples was also a great, natural pre-workout. Chances are there’s a bottle of an incredible energy boost sitting in your pantry right now — honey.

For more than 70 years, Australians have been incorporating Capilano honey into their meals. 100% pure Australian honey, sourced from local Aussie beekeepers, it’s Australia’s favourite honey. You’re probably using it in your breakfast already, drizzled on porridge, squeezed into smoothies, on toast or in your teas.

In case honey couldn’t already do enough, it can also be used as an incredible pre-workout to get that little energy boost you need to get moving — perfect for when that coffee just isn’t hitting the same.

We know a good pre-workout should contain carbohydrates so you can get that boost of energy before, or during, exercise. Honey is a natural source of carbohydrates, which makes it ideal for your working muscles. Capilano honey contains both fructose and glucose, both great nutrients when exercising.

But, did you know that honey actually has a different molecular structure to sugar? A special enzyme added to the nectar by bees divides the sucrose into glucose and fructose, allowing the body to more easily absorb these two simple sugars naturally.

Besides carbohydrates in the form of simple sugars that the body can easily break down to be converted to energy, honey contains small amounts of enzymes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, and is a natural source of antioxidants. With a lower GI index than standard sugar, honey is also naturally sweeter than sugar.

If you want to give your body the absolute best, consider Capilano Active Manuka honey that naturally contains the bioactive compound methylglyoxal (MGO), which is responsible for Manuka honey’s researched antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. The higher the MGO number, the more potent the honey’s bioactive properties.

One of the quickest ways to give yourself a boost of energy and enjoy the bioactive benefits of Manuka honey is to have a spoonful as a pre-workout. Or simply squeeze some into your water bottle to enjoy during exercise.

So, if you’re prepping for a big workout, or looking for an extra buzz, consider Capilano Manuka honey – it may just be your secret sweet advantage.

Next time you're in the supermarket, don't skip the honey aisle and grab a bottle of Capilano Manuka located in the top shelves. Your body will thank you.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Images