People will go to some ridiculous lengths to impress their dates.
But sometimes you need a bit of a hand to look extra impressive.
One A-League supporter has looked to the supporters of Melbourne City to help him look like a ‘big deal’ in front of his Tinder date.
It’s not uncommon to bend the truth a little bit on dating apps, but this lad may have dug himself a bit of a hole.
The lad may have let loose that he may be the ‘leader’ of Melbourne City’s newest active supporters - when he clearly isn’t.
But in a plea to his fellow fans, he’s asked if they could help him out with the date.

In a Facebook post to the City page ‘Melbourne CIty supporters with heart,’ he made the daring ask.
He said: “Hey gang, I am bringing my Tinder date to the game on Sunday and I kinda told her I’m a big deal in the active.
“So like if I buy you all a hotdog will you cheer like I’m the leader when I strut my stuff into bay 17?”
“Love you all.”
Nothing like the adulation of football fans to really get a date to like you.
And it looks like his request may actually pay off - because it made it all the way to Melbourne’s own players.
Defender Scott Jamieson caught wind of the post and shared it on Twitter with a message of support for the fella.
He said: “Someone contact me with this guy's details. We need to make him look like the man.”
Fans suggested some things the players could do to help endear the fan to his date, including celebrating with him after a goal, having him do a full-time speech, and letting him do the coin toss.
Imagine rocking up to a football game with a guy you met online and they’re the centre of attention to not only the fellow supporters but the players as well.
Twitter account A-League memes reshared the image with the caption: “The bro code stipulates you have to hand this guy the megaphone.”
So looks like Melbourne City’s new active supporters have their leader, all it cost were quite a few hotdogs.