It all became a bit too much for one bloke as he almost fainted while meeting boxing legend Floyd Mayweather.
Undefeated former world champion Mayweather was in Dubai ahead of a proposed exhibition next month and decided to give up some of his own time to meet some loyal supporters.
But for one super-fan, be became a little too overwhelmed and ended up almost passing out in Mayweather's lap.
Upon approaching Mayweather, the man collapsed to his knees as if to worship his boxing hero.
"I've found my God, I've found my God," he repeated.
Mayweather, dripping head-to-toe in Gucci gear, then reached out his hand to pick the super-fan off the floor but the bloke then became overwhelmed with emotion and broke down in tears.
He then appeared to faint, dropping in and out of consciousness as other onlookers held him up.
One person shouted: "Get him before he passes out, bro. Hold him up!"
While another added: "He needs air, take the picture before he faints!"
Mayweather, probably a bit confused by the whole ordeal, then wrapped his arm around the dude and posed for a photograph.
As for the super-fan, he made a miraculous recovery and wiped off the tears to pose for a picture with his idol.
"That's my hero, alright," he said while holding up a finger which wasn't pointing in Mayweather's direction.
Meeting your sporting idol must be a pretty special moment and this guy was riding every wave of emotion.
Fair play to him.
Featured Image Credit: Twitter/@JBlingTopics: Boxing, Video, fan, watch, Australia, Floyd Mayweather, Boxing, Video, fan, watch, Australia, Floyd Mayweather