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Hidden reason why athletes are taking selfies after winning medals at Olympics

Hidden reason why athletes are taking selfies after winning medals at Olympics

Selfies of athletes on the podium have been a feature of the Paris Olympics but there's more than meets the eye.

Selfies have become the go-to method of capturing a celebratory moment at this year's Olympics and it's all part of some quite incredible product placement.

After athletes have stood on the podium, been presented with the respective medals and listened to national anthems blaring out we've seen so many take a victory selfie to mark the special achievement.

One of the most iconic pictures at the showpiece in Paris saw medallists from North and South Korea and China pose for a selfie after excelling in the Mixed Doubles Table Tennis event.

Image: Getty
Image: Getty

The device responsible for taking the pictures looks a bit like a polaroid but is in fact a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 phone.

The original versions of the flip phone go online for £1,049 but all 17,000 athletes competing have been handed a special Olympic version of the device, as part of an impressive goodie bag.

They are in the champagne colour and include a design of the olympic rings on the back.

In addition, according to The Independent, the phone comes with an eSIM with 100GB of 5G data, a free public transport card and all the relevant Olympics apps loaded on.

Image: Getty
Image: Getty

Previously athletes were not allowed to have personal items like phones with them but this time around, with a Samsung partnership, the official Olympics website say "individual medallists and teams of no more than two athletes" are provided with one to commemorate the occasion.

“Being able to share the moment when I achieved my dream of winning a medal with my fans, family, friends and the whole world, and to do it from my own perspective, was incredible,” Brazilian skateboarder, gold medallist Rayssa Leal and Samsung Galaxy ambassador said.

“It not only amplified a moment that I will never forget, but it also celebrated the camaraderie outside competition, as my fellow medallists and I took the Victory Selfie together on the podium.”

Featured Image Credit: Getty

Topics: Olympics