This Little Leaguer has his priorities all in order.
The Little League World Series has kicked off with ESPN broadcasting the regional matchups to decide who will make their way to Williamsport.
One particular matchup caught the attention of fans, but not necessarily for the action.
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The broadcaster usually highlights a particular Little Leaguer’s profile, where they include the player’s name, age, height, and fun response to a random question that may have been asked.
Well, Brody Jackson of the Webb City Little League in Missouri has shone through and gone viral with his hilarious answer to what his dream job would be.
His reply: “Chicken nugget taste tester.”
Me too, Brody, me too.
While some may want to be a superhero, a teacher, or even an astronaut, Jackson has realised what is important in life, and that’s chicken nuggets.
His response made the rounds online, and we’re sure Jackson isn’t too far away from getting a sponsorship from a McDonald's or KFC with everyone agreeing just how great nuggets really are.
McDonald's even responded: "Follow your dreams, Brody."
Sounds like there's definitely a partnership cooking.
Meanwhile, TSN Sports producer Jordan Cicchelli tweeted: “Brody Jackson knows what the hell is up.”
Jomboy Media said: “Dream big, kiddo.”
Whilst another fan tweeted: “We are all Brody Jackson.”
There are some wild dream jobs out there, so don’t think Jackson’s aspirations are aiming too high.
Earlier this month a Canadian company by the name of Candy Funhouse posted a job listing in search of the world’s first ‘Chief Candy Officer’.
The job will require the CCO to test more than 3,500 candy products a month, run candy board meetings, and decide which products the Candy Funhouse will carry.
The job listing was open to anyone aged five and older, reading: “All you need is a passion for candy, pop culture, and a sweet tooth!”
So dream big, Brody, there’s surely a position for you may just be around the corner.
Brody’s Missouri team had a great run to the final of the Midwest tournament to qualify for the World Little League tournament, however, unfortunately, fell short to Iowa in the final.
Perhaps now is the time for Brody to put the bat and ball into retirement and really focus on paving his way in his dream career.
We hope the Webb City team went to McDonald’s on the way home as consolation for their loss.
Topics: Baseball, United States, Australia