One innocent gym-goer got a serious telling off after being accused of looking at a woman during his workout.
But it turns out the man in question wasn't staring at all... he's actually blind.
Despite learning of his inability to see, that didn't stop the woman from continuing to yell at the bloke before eventually calling over the gym's manager.
The incident happened about nine months ago but has recently resurfaced online and gone viral.
Pete Gustin is a blind surfer who has a huge social media following, boasting 1.29 million subscribers on YouTube alone.
The absolute legend has refused to let his blindness slow him down, partaking in all sorts of extreme activities including skateboarding and bike riding.
If he's doing all those insane sports without seeing, a simple trip to the gym should be a piece of cake, right? Wrong.
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In a short video posted on his popular YouTube channel, Gustin explains the run-in he had with a fellow gym-goer while doing a workout – and it'll honestly leave you with you head in your hands.
"I'm blind. If you know what those two words mean, then you're much smarter than the girl who was screaming at me at the gym," Gustin explains.
"I'm standing there doing a tricep pushdown exercise and since I can't see I'm just kind of staring off into space doing my thing.
"Half-way through a set I start hearing footsteps that seem like they're coming in my direction getting closer and closer.
"Until all of a sudden, this woman is right up in my face going 'I didn't come here to be stared at'. 'Ohhhh, I'm sorry, I'm blind', I say to her.
"Her response? 'I don't care! Stop staring at me!' Huh?"
Honestly, you can't write this sort of stuff.
But if you thought this story ended there then you'd be sorely mistaken.
"She then storms off and comes back with the manager a couple of minutes later," Gustin adds.
"I reach into my wallet and pull out an ID card from the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind and explain to this guy too that I'm blind and that I wasn't staring at anybody.
"He says 'Okay, but you still can't make other gym members uncomfortable by looking at them."
Gustin's channel is full of brilliant content, yet his explanation of what transpired at the gym that day has quickly become one of his most popular videos to date.
In the space of less than 12 months, it has racked up 39 million views.
You can watch the clip RIGHT HERE.