A mixed martial arts teacher has gone viral online for his rather, shall we say, bizarre training methods.
A clip of these techniques has absolutely exploded on social media – and it's easy to see why.
In the video, the coach of what appears to be an MMA gym can be seen slamming his students in the stomachs with a massive car tyre.
With combat sports such as MMA or boxing, we've seen pros and even amateurs strengthening their core in various ways.
From something as simple as a plank to even dropping medicine balls on your belly, there's so many different ways you can get those ripped iron board abs.
But slamming a giant tyre on your stomach? Yeah, no thanks.
In the viral clip, which now has nearly 5 million views on Twitter alone, all the students brace themselves in a position with their feet off the ground.
The coach then walks around, one by one, and pounds the heavy tyre into their stomachs.
These students, who do appear rather young, look visibly in pain as their heads rock back upon impact.
The first kid, bless him, does his best not to show any pain while his coach is still in plain sight.
As the video progresses, the slams get harder and harder as the students wince in pain.
One lad even looks like the tries to dodge out of the way of the huge object.
When the clip was shared multiple times on social media, people were quick to call out the coach for his unconventional methods of teaching.
Replying to Overtime's footage, one person said: "Getting ran over by a car?"
While another added: "Man wtf?!"
As a third questioned: "The burst appendix Olympics?"
And a fourth pointed out: "There is zero regulation in gyms and maybe there should be."