Another bizarre MMA fight has been staged in Russia and it could be the strangest one yet. Watch the video below:
Blogger Alexey Belyaev, 27, took on Vladislav 'Psycho' Popov, 18, at an Epic Fighting Championship (EFC) event this week.
The Russian promotion has made its name by staging unusual match-ups, including fights between genders and two-on-one bouts.
Its latest event saw Belyaev fight Popov, despite there being a huge weight difference of more than 18 stone between the two men.
Belyaev tipped the scales at a whopping 175kg, with Popov weighing in at just 57kg.
Belyaev, who also had a 20cm height advantage over Popov, began the fight predictably slowly and was caught by a number of punches in the early exchanges.

But midway through the first round, Belyaev manages to get Popov in a headlock and uses his significant weight advantage to take the fight to the floor.
He attempts to submit his opponent with a chokehold before one of Popov’s trainers jumps into the cage and pulls Belyaev off his fighter.
As the pair are separated by the referee, Popov swings an opportunistic punch at Belyaev which causes the bigger man to collapse to the floor in exaggerated fashion.
After allowing Belyaev a minute to recover, the referee then signals for the fight to resume.
Belyaev would get his revenge in the second round, finishing the fight with a series of punches after taking his opponent to the ground for a second time.
Popov’s corner appear to throw a pair of gloves, rather than the customary towel, into the ring to signal for the referee to stop the fight - incensing the younger finger, who punches the cage in anger.
A truly bizarre end to one of the strangest MMA fights you’re ever likely to watch.
Topics: UFC