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A Look Back At The Most Overpowered Cards In FIFA History

A Look Back At The Most Overpowered Cards In FIFA History


Jack Kenmare

Jack Kenmare

To celebrate the release of FIFA 17 (the demo), we've gone back in time to find some of the most overpowered player cards in history and it's brought back A LOT of memories.

To be honest, most of these 'memories' are rage quitting at half-time after Emmanuel Eminike bagged four goals in the opening 20 minutes to ruin all chances of retaining a respectable record on Ultimate Team but yeah, 'memories'.

On a personal note, Victor Ibarbo was by far the most overpowered player i've ever come across. The guy was an absolute machine.

He had it all - pace, power, finishing, dribbling:


Image result for Victor Ibarbo fifa card
Image result for Victor Ibarbo fifa card

Here are some other cards that struck fear into the souls of FIFA players around the world.

Alexander Esswein (FIFA 14)

Image result for esswein fifa card
Image result for esswein fifa card

Felipe Santana (FIFA 15)
Image result for felipe santana fifa 15
Image result for felipe santana fifa 15

Adrian Ramos (FIFA 16)
Image result for adrian ramos fifa card
Image result for adrian ramos fifa card

Seydou Doumbia (FIFA 14)

Image result for seydou doumbia fifa 14
Image result for seydou doumbia fifa 14

Emmanuel Eminike (FIFA 13)

Image result for emenike fifa card
Image result for emenike fifa card

David Luiz (FIFA 13)

Image result for david luiz fifa 13
Image result for david luiz fifa 13

Hatem Ben Arfa (FIFA 12)
Image result for BEN ARFA FIFA 12
Image result for BEN ARFA FIFA 12

Maicon Leite (FIFA 13)
Image result for Maicon FIFA 13
Image result for Maicon FIFA 13

Gabby Agbonlahor (FIFA 13)

Image result for AGBONLAHOR FIFA 13
Image result for AGBONLAHOR FIFA 13

Wallyson (FIFA 13)
Image result for WALLYSON fifa 13
Image result for WALLYSON fifa 13

Marvell Wynne (FIFA 14)
Picture 3
Picture 3

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