Lionel Messi has a strict house rule that all his family members follow, as well as a number of other house habits.
Despite his fame and absurd abilities with a football, Messi is extremely unassuming and lives a quiet, private life for the most part.
Other than being a humble, family man, fans don't know a great deal about his
But Messi provided insight into his specific way of doing things during an interview with TN30.
A stand-out takeaway was that Messi opened up about how he always organises the table before he goes to bed.
For breakfast, there is a pre-arranged formation, with Messi, wife Antonela and kids Thiago, Mateo and Ciro all having the very the same seats.
As per Essentially Sports, Messi said: “Before going to sleep, I leave the entire table ready for the next day. Breakfast… everyone in their place, always sit in the same place, everyone has their place at the table, the kids, Antonela, me.”

When it comes to eating food, the Inter Miami captain has something of a sweet tooth.
That can prove tricky when performing at the very highest level but Messi is able to indulge now and again.
Asked about his favourite foods, Messi replied: "I am very simple when it comes to meals: asado, milanesa, pasta, chocolate, dulce de leche, ice cream… I like everything that is sweet, I’m in love with it. I try to eat little but every now and then I like it."
He is known to enjoy 'Mate', the traditional South American drink which plenty of footballers sup before and after games.
But he made a change to how he consumes the beverage as he now has it with a bitter taste as opposed to a sweeter version.

Messi commented: "I used to drink sweet mate, but then I got used to bitter mate and now I drink bitter mate.”
Messi has spent a great deal of his life wearing football boots but he doesn't like wearing footwear all that much, particularly in and around the house.
One of his biggest quirks is that he takes off his shoes and goes barefoot as soon as he arrives in his house.
He explained: “It's about coming home and taking off my shoes right away, whether it's at my house or at someone's I trust."
Asked about any other tendencies, the Barcelona legend added: "I do not know. I have worse ones, but I prefer to keep them".
Topics: Lionel Messi, Inter Miami, Barcelona