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Endrick's major announcement has finally been made and fans are very underwhelmed

Endrick's major announcement has finally been made and fans are very underwhelmed

The Real Madrid wonderkid teased a major announcement on Monday.

Endrick has made a major announcement on ESPN after posting a teaser on social media earlier this week - and it's not what fans expected.

The Brazil wonderkid will officially join Real Madrid from Palmeiras next month once he turns 18.

On Monday, he uploaded a new post to his Instagram account which teased a significant announcement.

He said: "I don't know if y'all ready for this. On June 20, I will be on ESPN to tell news that will shake the world of sports."

Fans wildly speculated as to what the announcement would be, with Endrick holding up a blue shirt with the number 26 on it.

There were question marks over whether 26 would become his new Real Madrid shirt number - although that would have confirmed he would start life at the Bernabeu as a reserve team player, given La Liga rules only allow senior numbers up to 25.

Others believed it may have been related to his participation with Brazil at this summer's Copa America.

That belief was probably closest to the mark - although very loosely.

Endrick has announced that the sports selection of ESPN Brasil - who will broadcast the Copa America - will now be available on Disney+.

The announcement took the form of a mock press conference, in which Endrick answered questions from reporters.

In the post announcing the news, ESPN Brasil wrote: "Endrick took the microphone and sent the news you need to know: the real Transfer of the Year!"

The mystery of the blue shirt has now been solved, with the 17-year-old turning around to show an ESPN and Disney+ logo on the front of the shirt.

The promotional campaign certainly worked from an engagement sense, with over one million people liking Endrick's first post on Monday.

Fans have since had their say on social media after finding out what the announcement - which promised to 'shake the world' - actually was.

One wrote: "Wow what an announcement."

A second added: "Couldn't even shake me let alone the whole world."

A third said: "'Shock the world', I doubt it shocked Brazil."

And a fourth mused: "If football doesn't work out for the kid, he should pursue a career in marketing. Because he certainly had everyone tuning in."

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Featured Image Credit: ESPN Brasil/Disney+/Endrick / Instagram

Topics: Real Madrid, Endrick, Football, Brazil, Fan Reactions