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Fans think Man City aimed thinly-veiled dig at new Liverpool manager Arne Slot with social media post

Fans think Man City aimed thinly-veiled dig at new Liverpool manager Arne Slot with social media post

Liverpool fans have clocked a sly dig from Man City to Arne Slot on social media.

Fans think Manchester City have aimed a sly dig at new Liverpool boss Arne Slot with one of their recent social media posts.

It's a season of change at Liverpool, with their new boss sitting down with the media team on Wednesday afternoon for his first interview as the Reds boss.

Jurgen Klopp has departed Anfield after just under a decade in charge and a new era under Slot, who left Feyenoord to take the role on Merseyside, will now begin in 2024/25.

Speaking in the interview, Slot outlined how excited he is to be taking the role on. "Excited, really looking forward to the new challenge which is ahead of me," the 45-year-old said.

"We are, of course, looking at the training ground, which is fantastic, so there are a lot of things to look forward to.

"The team is coming back in a few weeks and yeah, [I am] looking forward to a new start after a nice period I had at Feyenoord.”

The Liverpool fanbase have echoed that excitement but that may have been tempered somewhat after noticing what appeared to be a dig aimed at Slot and the club by rivals Manchester City.

Just hours after the Slot interview was posted, the official City X (formerly Twitter) account posted a compilation of goals from the 2017/18 campaign - which were against both Liverpool and Feyenoord.

The compilation included a September 5-0 win against the Reds and a 4-0 win over Feyenoord from that same season. It is worth noting that Slot was not in charge of the Dutch club at the time.

Liverpool fans have since responded to the post, with one saying: "Slot has you rattled." While another said: "Slot already got 'em rattled."

Another added: "Living rent free in yo' head."

City fans also took to the comments to appreciate the goals, with one saying: "We've been owning Liverpool for so long I forgot about this."

Featured Image Credit: Man City X/Getty

Topics: Liverpool, Manchester City, Arne Slot, Jurgen Klopp, Feyenoord, Premier League, Football