One item has been BANNED from the Paris Olympics as organisers have gone for a more sustainable approach to nutrition.
The Paris games is just a few days away as some of the best athletes on the planet have descended to France.
Nutrition will play a big part at the 2024 Olympics as athletes will need fuelling ahead of participating in their respective sport.
And ahead of the Olympics kicking off, McDonald's has been banned for athletes as part of a big health kick.
According to a report, Olympians will get more gourmet fare as Paris embraces a plant-based menu.
To promote good health, organisers are leaning towards lighter, locally-sourced vegetarian dishes at the Olympic Village.
Michelin-starred dishes and plant-based meat alternatives will be on the menu for Olympians.
Some of the dishes include croissants with poached egg, artichoke cream and shavings of sheep's cheese topped with truffle.
Soya-based fried chicken bites will be offered as an alternative to McNuggets.
The International Olympic Committee has demanded that food must be local, primarily plant-based and focused on minimal waste.

The McDonald's ban would have been a major blow to Bolt, who revealed he lived on chicken nuggets at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.
"Honestly, I ate nothing else in all my time out in China except chicken nuggets," the sprint legend wrote in one of his autobiographies titled 'The Fastest Man Alive'.
"They were the only food I could properly trust which wouldn’t affect my stomach. On arriving at the [pre-Olympic] training camp I’d tried a local Chinese meal, which wasn’t like the ones we we eat in the West, and my body didn’t react well.
"So, knowing I could rely on nuggets, i made up my mind that was all I would eat. And eat them I did, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, washed down with bottled water."
Topics: Usain Bolt, Olympics